Acute sinusitis is treated by drugs, which are:
Chronic sinusitis is treated Surgically. The surgery for chronic sinusitis can be:
During the decade 1990-2000, there has been a betterment in understanding of anatomy and physiology of parasanal sinuses.
The correct diagnosis and the extent of the disease is ascertained by CT scan.
Since the advent of Hoffkin’s Rigid Telescope and Computerized Tomography Scan (CT Scan), the management of recurrent acute and chronic sinusitis has revolutionized.
Technological advancements in the field of Fiber-Optics has opened a possibility of avoiding a radical procedure by external route thereby improving the efficiency of the procedure.
Endoscopic sinus surgery has varied uses, it mainly useful in:
It is also useful in other conditions e.g.
One of the most promising and newest surgical technique for treatment of Chronic Sinusitis is Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery ( FESS ).
Dr. Nitin Bhoraskar